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12 - 17 August 2019, International Conference on Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT 2019), Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
Invited Speakers: Ulrik Buchholtz (TU Darmstadt, Germany), Dan Licata (Wesleyan University, USA), Andrew Pitts (University of Cambridge, UK), Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins University, USA), Christian Sattler (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) and Karol Szumilo (University of Leeds, UK),
There will also be an associated Homotopy Type Theory Summer School in the preceding week, August 7th to 10th.
For more information, see slash HoTT-2019 or contact hott2019conference at
Contributions are welcome in all areas related to homotopy type theory, including but not limited to:
* Homotopical and higher-categorical semantics of type theory * Synthetic homotopy theory * Applications of univalence and higher inductive types * Cubical type theories and cubical models * Formalization of mathematics and computer science in homotopy type theory / univalent foundations
Please submit 1-paragraph abstracts through EasyChair.
Please note that this newsitem has been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.