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9 - 11 September 2019, 13th Alpine Verification Meeting (AVM'19), Brno, Czech Republic
The Alpine Verification Meeting (AVM) is an informal meeting on current problems in formal verification. The goal of the meeting is to bring together researchers from the region to update each other on their research and to have time for discussions about future research as well as possible collaborations. The meeting is open to the public.
The programme of AVM'19 will include three invited lectures, possibly complemented by two further talks on applications of verification in the industry (under negotiations).Invited speakers are Javier Esparza, Nikos Gorogiannis and Mauro Pezzè. The main part of the programme will be devoted to research talks by the participants, typically on results they have recently published, submitted for publication, or on an ongoing research. Students, in particular, are encouraged to participate and give a talk (though giving a talk is not required).
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