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12 - 15 September 2022, Incontro AILA 2022, Caserta (Italy)

The Italian Association for Logic and its Application (AILA) announces the “XXVII Incontro di Logica”, that will take place in Caserta (Italy) in September 2022. The meetings will feature plenary talks form leading international researchers, invited talks from the recipients of the AILA awards, and contributed talks. Contributions from researchers of any nationality are welcome.
The Programme Committee of Incontro AILA welcomes submissions of abstracts from any researcher in the world. A list of topics in the scope of the conference includes:
- category theory,
- computability theory,
- model theory,
- logic and computer science,
- logic and philosophy,
- non-classical logics,
- proof theory,
- set theory.
The abstracts must be maximum 2-page long, written in English using the Easychair style:
Abstracts can be submitted through the Easychair website:
The deadline for submission is the 30th April 2022. Notifications of acceptance will be sent before the 15th June 2022.
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