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19 December 2001, Computing with LLI Seminar, Yoad Winter and Khalil Sima'an
(Amsterdam and Tilburg)
ABSTRACT: We describe the process of building the first tree-bank for Modern Hebrew texts. A major concern in this process is the need for reducing the cost of manual annotation by the use of automatic means. To this end, the joint utility of an automatic morphological analyzer, a probabilistic parser and a small manually annotated tree-bank was explored. An initial tree-bank that consists of 500 annotated sentences from a daily newspaper is described. The annotation scheme that underlies the tree-bank analyses integrates morphology and syntax. An existing morphological analyzer and a language-independent probabilistic parser were applied to this tree-bank. Based on the results of some experiments with these tools, a semi-automatic procedure for future enlargement of the tree-bank is outlined.
For abstracts and more information, see
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