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18 December 2003, Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives
(2nd CoLogNET-ElsNET Symposium)

Date: 18 December 2003
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deadline: 1 September 2003

This symposium is the second of three devoted to the exploration of the common ground between the "Logic and Natural Language Processing" Area of CoLogNET (Network of Excellence in Computational Logic, and ELSNET (Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies, The topic of this session is 'Questions and Answers'. The symposium will address both the logical foundations underlying these notions, and technological implications for question answering systems.

The symposium aims at bringing together researchers interested in a combination of theoretical and applied perspectives, and invites an exchange of ideas between computational linguists, computer scientists and logicians. It will feature invited talks by leading researchers from academia and industry as well as a number of contributed talks. Invited speakers are Jeroen Groenendijk (ILLC, University of Amsterdam), Werner Ceusters (Language and Computing) and Karen Spärck Jones (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge). The symposium will be co-located with the Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloqium.

Deadline for submission of papers is September 1, 2003. A selection of contributions will be published as special issue of the Journal of Applied Logic (ELSEVIER). For more information , see the symposium website at, or contact the organizer, Raffaella Bernardi, at .

and the full Call for Papers

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