News and Events: Upcoming Events

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9-10 August 2004, Canceled: LAMAS 2 (Second Australasian Workshop on Logic and Multiagent Systems)

Date: 9-10 August 2004
Location: Sheraton Auckland Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand
Deadline: 15 May 2004

LAMAS 2 is one the workshops associated with the eighth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( PRICAI ). It is a follow-up workshop to a previous workshop on logic and multiagent Systems ( LAMAS ) held at the University of Otago in October 2002. The workshop aims to provide a forum to foster lively and fruitful discussion on issues involved in logic and multiagent systems.

The LAMAS2 organizers are Hans van Ditmarsch, Stephen Cranefield, Thomas Meyer, and Guido Governatori. The submission deadline is 15 May 2004. Particular topics of interest are: (1) Specification, verification, and synthesis of multiagent systems (2) Belief revision, belief merging, and dynamic epistemic logics (3) Protocols concerning commitment and negotiation (4) Logics of institutional agency (5) Non-monotonic reasoning, automated reasoning, and model checking.

For more information, see

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