News and Events: Upcoming Events

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5 - 9 July 2004, 6th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS'04)

Date: 5 - 9 July 2004
Location: Liverpool, UK

After successful summer schools on Agent Systems in Utrecht, Saarbrucken, Prague, Bologna and Barcelona, AgentLink III organises the 6th European Agent Systems Summer School in Liverpool, UK., 5 - 9 July 2004.

EASSS 2004 will consist of a mixture of introductory and advanced courses delivered by internationally leading experts in the agent field, and will cover the full range of theoretical and practical aspects of agent-based computing.

EASSS'04 is open to anyone from research or industry, both AgentLink members and non-members alike. A registration fee will be charged to cover costs, but some support will also be available for PhD students.

For more information, see

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