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Local mirror of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
We now have a local mirror of the Stanford Encyclopedi a of Philosophy.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is the first dynamic encyclopedia. In a dynamic encyclopedia, each entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field (the authors are given direct electronic access to a copy of their entry). Unlike static reference works which are fixed on the printed page or on CD-ROM and which often become outdated soon after they are published, this reference work is responsive to new research, for it constantly changes with the addition of new entries and the modification of existing entries. (You can, however, cite fixed editions which are made and archived on a quarterly basis.) Moreover, the entries and subsequent updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are put online. Whenever an author uploads a new entry or modifies an existing entry, the new material is stored off-line until it is approved by the Editorial Board member in charge of that entry.
Editor: Edward N. Zalta. Contact person for the local mirror: Maarten de Rijke.
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