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26-28 October 2004, Life's longing for itself, lectures by Doyne Farmer

Date: 26-28 October 2004
Time: 19:30-20:30
Location: Place: Lecturehall A and C, Building A, Roeterseiland 15

Professor Doyne Farmer of the Santa Fe Institute for Nonlinear Studies presents a miniseries of lectures (on 26, 27, and 28 October) titled: "Life's longing for itself: On propagation, prediction, purpose and progress"

The physicist (at present mostly economist) Doyne Farmer is one of the pioneers of chaos theory. He was involved in developing some fundamental aspects of the theory, but also in developing a number of interesting applications. He is well-known as one of the founders of the succesful Prediction Company, a firm whose business is automatic trading of financial instruments based on time series based directional forecasting methods. An inspiring lecturer on the multidisciplinary adventures on the intersection of between mathematics, natural science, economics and the social sciences.

The series is a joint initiative of the:
Institute for Theoretical Physics (FNWI)
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS)
and the Department of Quantitative Economics (FEE)

For more information, see A poster is available at

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