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PhD student position (BAT IIa) Computer Science: automated proof
systems, TU Berlin, Germany
The Technische Universität Berlin is advertising a position of
Scientific Employee (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter; IIA BAT)
for the period of 5 years for writing a PhD thesis at the Institut fuer
Softwaretechnik u. Theoretische Informatik / FG Programmierung
eingebettete Systeme.
Tasks: Support of teaching activities in theoretical computer science and research in: software engineering, quality control for embedded systems, validation and verification, automated verification with the theorem prover Isabelle / HOL, automated design and synthesis of embedded systems.
Prerequisites: MSc in Computer Science, specialization in at least one of: embedded systems, compilers, logic, software engineering; interest in teaching.
Please send your application with the usual documents and the vacancy number WM-545 to
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Softwaretechnik u. Theoretische Informatik, Sekr. FR 5-6
Der Präsident
Franklinstr. 28/29
10587 Berlin
For more information, see or contact bloewe at
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