News and Events: Projects and Awards

Oline Ranum wins Amsterdam AI Thesis Award 2024

I'm very proud to announce that Oline Ranum has won the Amsterdam AI Thesis Award for Best Master thesis in AI at UvA and VU in 2024!

She will receive the award during the Amsterdam AI Highlights Event at the VU this coming Thursday (which unfortunately happens exactly at the same time as our CAM).

I am grateful for having had the opportunity to supervise this project. I also want to thank and congratulate all the people who made crucial contributions to the project:

Gomer Otterspeer and Jari Andersen, our Motion Capture experts, who collaborated with Oline on data collection
Rob Belleman of the Visualization Lab for providing lab space and some of the compute power
Erik Bekkers and David Wessels at IvI for working with Oline on the geometric deep learning part of the thesis
Colleagues at UPF for collaborating with Oline during her 1-month visit to Barcelona during her thesis project

 - Floris Roelofsen, 10 December 2024.