Logic and Game Theory

Some examples of our research on Logic and Game Theory are:

  • A flourishing new field is the study of epistemic states and rational behaviour in strategic games: what do players know about the knowledge of other players, and how does it affect what is optimal and rational? See, e.g., Logical Dynamics of Information and Interaction (2011, Cambridge University Press) by Johan van Benthem.
  • Logic and game-theory come together in a different way in the research on computational social choice, which deals with the design of voting or auction systems, or other mechanisms for collective decision making as traditionally studied in the social sciences, under constraints on efficient computation, as studied in theoretical computer science and logic. See this dedicated website.
  • Interaction is also crucial in natural language use. In the past decade, pragmatics, the study of the actual use of language between different agents, has become a primary focus of research at the ILLC. In this work, the communicative situation is seen as determining how syntactic and semantic conventions arise and remain stable over time. Notions from game theory, in particular evolutionary game theory, are being used to-day to chart and explain these phenomena. see, e.g., Attitudes and Changing Contexts by Robert van Rooij (2006).

See also http://projects.illc.uva.nl/GLoRiClass/