van Benthem, J.F.A.K., Pacuit, E. (2014) Connecting Logics of Choice and Change.In Müller, T. (Eds.), Nuel Belnap on indeterminism and free action (pp 291-314) (Outstanding contributions to logic, Vol. 2). Springer.Chapter | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01754-9_14 | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., Sarenac, D. (2003) The Geometry of Knowledge.In Béziau, J.-Y. Costa Leite, A. Facchini, A. (Eds.), Aspects of Universal Logic. Selected Papers . (pp 1-31). Université de Neuchâtel.Conference contribution | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., Sarenac, D. (2004) The Geometry of Knowledge.Tech Report ILLC PP. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.Working paper | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., Scotto di Luzio, P., Barker-Plummer, D., Beaver, D.I. (2002) Words, Proofs and Diagrams.CSLI Publications.Book (Editorship) | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., Shier, J., Veltman, F. (2007) A Meeting of the Minds: proceedings LORI Workshop Beijing.King's College Publications.Book (Editorship) | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., Smets, S. (2012) New logical perspectives on physics.Synthese, Vol. 186 (pp 615-617)Editorial | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-011-9911-y | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., Smets, S. (2015) Dynamic Logics of Belief Change.In van Ditmarsch, H. Halpern, J. van der Hoek, W. Kooi, B. (Eds.), Handbook of epistemic logic (pp 313-394). College Publications.van Benthem, J.F.A.K., Stokhof, M. (2022) A Brief History of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation: People, Ideas and Practices.ILLC-Universiteit van Amsterdam.Book | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., Stuart, Henry Waldgrave, Yuelin, Jin (2020) Lof der onmogelijkheid.Bij Nader Inzien.Web publication or website | https://bijnaderinzien.com/2020/05/27/lof-der-onmogelijkheid/ | UvA-DAREIn Fernández-Duque, D. Palmigiano, A. Pinchinat, S. (Eds.), Advances in Modal Logic: AiML 14 (pp 135-154). College Publications.Conference contribution | https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2206.06046 | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., ten Cate, B., Väänänen, J. (2009) Lindström theorems for fragments of first-order logic.Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vol. 5Article | https://doi.org/10.2168/LMCS-5(3:3)2009 | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., ter Meulen, A. (2011) Handbook of logic and language.Elsevier.Book (Editorship) | https://doi.org/10.1016/C2010-0-65666-5 | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., van den Broek, E. (2008) De keuze van Johan van Benthem.De Academische Boekengids, Vol. 67Logic in Action.Book | http://logicinaction.org/ | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., van Ditmarsch, H., van Eijck, J. (2009) Logica in actie.Academic Service.Book | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., van Eijck, J., Gattinger, M., Su, K. (2015) Symbolic Model Checking for Dynamic Epistemic Logic.In van der Hoek, W. Holliday, W.H. Wang, W.-F. (Eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 5th International Workshop, LORI 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, October 28-30, 2015 : proceedings (pp 366-378) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science
FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information, Vol. 9394). Springer.Conference contribution | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48561-3_30 | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., van Eijck, J., Gattinger, M., Su, K. (2018) Symbolic Model Checking for Dynamic Epistemic Logic – S5 and Beyond.Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 28 (pp 367-402)Article | https://doi.org/10.1093/logcom/exx038 | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., van Eijck, J., Kooi, B. (2005) Logics of Communication and Change.Technical Reports. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.Working paper | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., van Eijck, J., Kooi, B. (2005) Common Knowledge in Update Logics.In R. van der Meyden (Eds.), Proceedings TARK 10 (pp 253-261)Conference contribution | UvA-DAREvan Benthem, J.F.A.K., van Eijck, J., Kooi, B. (2006) Logics of Communication and Change.Information and Computation, Vol. 204 (pp 1620-1662)Article | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2006.04.006 | UvA-DAREThe data of this list is taken from the Pure database. If you find output is missing from the list, please follow the previous link to find out how to submit to Pure. In case there are mistakes in PURE, please contact illc at uva.nl