Searchable List of Research Output

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  • van Benthem, J.F.A.K. (2019) Vistas from a Drop of Water.
    In Alonso, E. Huertas, A. Moldovan, A. (Eds.), Aventuras en el Mundo de la Lógica: Ensayos en Honor a María Manzano (pp 59-74) (Cuadernos de lógica, Epistemología y Lenguaje, Vol. 13). College Publications.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • van Benthem, J.F.A.K. (2020) Lof der onmogelijkheid.
    Wijsgerig Perspectief, Vol. 60 (pp 47)
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • van Benthem, J.F.A.K. (2021) Semantic Perspectives in Logic.
    In Sagi, G. Woods, J. (Eds.), The Semantic Conception of Logic: Essays on Consequence, Invariance, and Meaning (pp 117-141). Cambridge University Press.
  • van Benthem, J.F.A.K. (2022) Close encounters with the Van Lambalgen world.
    In Stenning, K. Stokhof, M. (Eds.), Rules, Regularities, Randomness: Festschrift for Michiel van Lambalgen (pp 23-34). Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam.
  • van Benthem, J.F.A.K. (2023) The Logic of Conditionals on Outback Trails.
    Logic Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 31 (pp 1135–1152)
  • van Boven, C.M.J., Oomen, M., Pfau, R., Rusch, L. (2023) Negative Concord in Sign Language of the Netherlands: A journey through a corpus.
    In Wehrmeyer, E. (Eds.), Advances in sign language corpus linguistics (pp 30-65) (Studies in Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 108). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • van Boven, C.M.J., Oomen, M., Pfau, R. (2022) Negative Concord in Sign Language of the Netherlands: Journey through a Corpus.
    Poster | UvA-DARE
  • van Boven, C.M.J. (2024) Aspectual reduplication in Sign Language of the Netherlands: reconsidering phonological constraints and aspectual distinctions.
  • van Boven, G., Bloem, J. (2021) Eliciting explicit knowledge from domain experts in direct intrinsic evaluation of word embeddings for specialized domains.
    In Belz, A. Agarwal, S. Graham, Y. Reiter, E. Shimorina, A. (Eds.), Human Evaluation of NLP Systems (HumEval): EACL 2021 : proceedings of the workshop : April 19, 2021, Online (pp 107-113). The Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • van Boven, G., Bloem, J. (2022) Domain-specific Evaluation of Word Embeddings for Philosophical Text using Direct Intrinsic Evaluation.
    In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities (pp 101-107). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • van Cranenburgh, A., Bod, R. (2013) Discontinuous Parsing with an Efficient and Accurate DOP Model.
    In Bunt, H. Sima'an, K. Huang, L. (Eds.), Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT-2013: November 27-29, 2013, Nara Japan (pp 7-16). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • van Cranenburgh, A., Bod, R. (2017) A Data-Oriented Model of Literary Language.
    In Lapata, M. Blunsom, P. Koller, A. (Eds.), 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : EACL 2017: proceedings of the conference : April 3-7, 2017, Valencia, Spain (pp 1228-1238). The Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Conference contribution | | UvA-DARE
  • van Cranenburgh, A., Koolen, C. (2015) Identifying Literary Novels with Bigrams.
    In Feldman, A. Kazantseva, A. Szpakowicz, S. Koolen, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature: NAACL HLT 2015 : The 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : June 4, 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA (pp 58-67). Curran Associates.
    Conference contribution | | UvA-DARE
  • van Cranenburgh, A., Sassoon, G.W., Fernández, R. (2010) Invented antonyms: Esperanto as a semantic lab.
    In Falk, Y.N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 26). Bar-Ilan University.
  • van Cranenburgh, A., Scha, R.J.H., Bod, R. (2016) Data-Oriented Parsing with Discontinuous Constituents and Function Tags.
    Journal of Language Modelling, Vol. 4 (pp 57-111)
  • van Cranenburgh, A., Scha, R.J.H., Sangati, F. (2011) Discontinuous Data-Oriented Parsing: A mildly context-sensitive all-fragments grammar.
    In Seddah, D. Tsarfaty, R. Foster, J. (Eds.), The Second Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages (SPMRL 2011): IWPT 2011 : proceedings of SPMRL 2011 : October 6, 2011, Dublin, Ireland (pp 34-44). The Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Conference contribution | | UvA-DARE
  • van Cranenburgh, A. (2012) Efficient parsing with linear context-free rewriting systems.
    In Daelemans, W. (Eds.), EACL 2012: 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: proceedings of the conference : April 23-27 2012, Avignon France (pp 460-470). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • van Cranenburgh, A. (2012) Literary authorship attribution with phrase-structure fragments.
    In Elson, D. Kazantseva, A. Mihalcea, R. Szpakowicz, S. (Eds.), NAACL-HLT 2012 : Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature: co-located with The 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the workshop : June 8, 2012, Montréal, Canada (pp 59-63). Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Conference contribution | | UvA-DARE
  • van Cranenburgh, A. (2014) Extraction of Phrase-Structure Fragments with a Linear Average Time Tree-Kernel.
    Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, Vol. 4 (pp 3-16)
  • van Cranenburgh, A. (2016) Rich statistical parsing and literary language.
    Thesis, fully internal | UvA-DARE

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