Searchable List of Research Output

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  • van der Heijden, N., Shutova, E., Yannakoudakis, H. (2023) FewShotTextGCN: K-hop neighborhood regularization for few-shot learning on graphs.
    In Vlachos, A. Augenstein, I. (Eds.), The 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023 : proceedings of the conference : May 2-6, 2023 (pp 1187-1200). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • van der Heijden, N., Yannakoudakis, H., Mishra, P., Shutova, E. (2021) Multilingual and cross-lingual document classification: A meta-learning approach.
    In Merlo, P. Tiedemann, J. Tsarfaty, R. (Eds.), The 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2021 : proceedings of the conference : April 19-23, 2021 (pp 1966-1976). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • van der Hoek, W., de Rijke, M. (1997) Sahlqvist's theorem.
    In Hazewinkel, M. (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Mathematics Supplement Volume I (pp 445). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • van der Hoek, W., de Rijke, M. (1997) Sahlqvist identities.
    In Hazewinkel, M. (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Mathematics Supplement Volume I (pp 445). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • van der Hoek, W. (1999) Interleaved contractions.
    In Logic, Language and Computation (pp 106-127). CSLI Publications.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • van der Meijden, S.L., de Hond, A.A.H., Thoral, P.J., Steyerberg, E.W., Kant, I.M.J., Cina, G., Arbous, M.S. (2023) Intensive Care Unit Physicians' Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence-Based Clinical Decision Support Tools: Preimplementation Survey Study.
    JMIR Human Factors, Vol. 10
  • van der Pol, E., Gieske, S., Fernández, R. (2016) Linguistic Style Accommodation in Disagreements.
    In *SEM 2016: The Fifth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics: proceedings of the conference : August 11-12 2016, Berlin, Germany (pp 120-124). The *SEM 2016 Organizing Committee.
  • van der Wal, O., Bachmann, D., Leidinger, A.J., van Maanen, L., Zuidema, W., Schulz, K. (2022) Undesirable biases in NLP: Averting a crisis of measurement.
  • van der Wal, O., Bachmann, D., Leidinger, A.J., van Maanen, L., Zuidema, W., Schulz, K. (2024) Undesirable Biases in NLP: Addressing Challenges of Measurement.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 79 (pp 1-40)
  • van der Wal, O., Jumelet, J., Schulz, K., Zuidema, W. (2022) The Birth of Bias: A case study on the evolution of gender bias in an English language model.
  • van der Weij, B., Pearce, M., Honing, H. (2024) Computational modeling of rhythm perception and the role of enculturation.
    In Shanahan, Daniel Burgoyne, John Ashley Quinn, Ian (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies. Oxford University Press.
  • van der Weij, B., Pearce, M.T., Honing, H. (2017) A Probabilistic Model of Meter Perception: Simulating Enculturation.
    Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8
  • van der Weij, B. (2020) Experienced listeners: Modeling the influence of long-term musical exposure on rhythm perception.
    Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.
    Thesis, fully internal | UvA-DARE
  • van der Zwaan, J.M., Marx, M., Kamps, J. (2016) Validating Cross-Perspective Topic Modeling for Extracting Political Parties' Positions from Parliamentary Proceedings.
    In Kaminka, G.A. Fox, M. Bouquet, P. Hüllermeyer, E. Dignum, V. Dignum, F. van Harmelen, F. (Eds.), ECAI 2016 : 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-2 September 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands: including Prestigious applications of intelligent systems (PAIS 2016) : proceedings (pp 28-36) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 285). IOS Press.
  • van der Zwaan, J.M., van Meersbergen, M., Fokkens, Antske, ter Braake, S., Leemans, I., Kuijpers, E., Vossen, P.T.J.M., Maks, I. (2016) Storyteller: Visualizing Perspectives in Digital Humanities Projects.
    In Bozic, B. Mendel-Gleason, G. Debruyne, C. O'Sullivan, D. (Eds.), Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities: Second IFIP WG 12.7 International Workshop, CHDDH 2016, Dublin, Ireland, May 25, 2016 : revised selected papers (pp 78-90) (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 482). Springer.
  • van Dijk, L., Rietveld, E. (2017) Foregrounding sociomaterial practice in our understanding of affordances: the Skilled Intentionality Framework.
    Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 7
  • van Dis, E.A.M., Bollen, J., van Rooij, R., Zuidema, W., Bockting, C.L. (2023) ChatGPT: Five priorities for research.
    Nature, Vol. 614 (pp 223-226)
    Comment/Letter to the editor | | UvA-DARE
  • van Ditmarsch, H., French, T., Velázquez-Quesada, F.R., Wáng, Y.N. (2018) Implicit, explicit and speculative knowledge.
    Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 256 (pp 35-67)
  • van Ditmarsch, H., Gattinger, M., Ramezanian, R. (2023) Everyone Knows That Everyone Knows: Gossip Protocols for Super Experts.
    Studia Logica, Vol. 111 (pp 453–499)
  • van Ditmarsch, H., Gattinger, M. (2022) The Limits to Gossip: Second-Order Shared Knowledge of All Secrets is Unsatisfiable.
    In Ciabattoni, A. Pimentel, E. de Queiroz, R.J.G.B. (Eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 28th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2022, Iași, Romania, September 20–23, 2022 : proceedings (pp 237-249) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information, Vol. 13468). Springer.

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