van Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2003) Exhaustification.In Bunt, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (pp 354-398)Conference contribution | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2004) Exhaustive interpretation of complex sentences.Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Vol. 13 (pp 491-519)Article | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2007) Only: meaning and implicature.In Aloni, M. Butler, A. Dekker, P. (Eds.), Questions in dynamic semantics (pp 193-224) (Current research in the semantics/pragmatics interface). Elsevier.Chapter | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2010) Non-monotonic reasoning in interpretation.In van Benthem, J. ter Meulen, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Logic and Language (Elsevier Insights). Elsevier.Chapter | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2011) Non-Monotonic Reasoning in Interpretation.In van Benthem, J. ter Meulen, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Logic and Language (pp 839-856). Elsevier.van Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2014) A question of priority.In McCready, E. Yabushita, K. Yoshimoto, K. (Eds.), Formal approaches to semantics and pragmatics: Japanese and beyond (pp 273-293) (Studies in linguistics and philosophy, Vol. 95). Springer.Chapter | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8813-7_13 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2016) Analysing communicative diversity via the Stag Hunt.In Diversity @ ECAI 2016: International Workshop on Diversity-Aware Artificial Intelligence : The Hague, Netherlands, 29th August 2016 : workshop proceedings (pp 50-52). ECAI.van Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2017) Topic, focus, and exhaustive interpretation.In Lee, C. Kiefer, F. Krifka, M. (Eds.), Contrastiveness in Information Structure, Alternatives and Scalar Implicatures (pp 63-82) (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Vol. 91). Springer.Conference contribution | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10106-4_4 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2019) Conditionals, causality and conditional probability.Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Vol. 28 (pp 55-71)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10849-018-9275-5 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2019) Generic sentences: Representativeness or Causality?.In Espinal, M.T. Castroviejo, E. Leonetti, M. McNally, L. Real-Puigdollers, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23 (pp 409-425). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Conference contribution | https://doi.org/10.18148/sub/2019.v23i2.621 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2020) A causal semantics of IS generics.Journal of Semantics, Vol. 37 (pp 269-295)Article | https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffz023 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2020) Generics and typicality: a bounded rationality approach.Linguistics and Philosophy (pp 83-117)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10988-019-09265-8 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2021) Why Those Biscuits Are Relevant and on the Sideboard.Theoria, Vol. 87 (pp 704-712)Article | https://doi.org/10.1111/theo.12309 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2021) Conditionals As Representative Inferences.Axiomathes, Vol. 31 (pp 437-452)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10516-020-09477-9 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2021) A Causal Power Semantics for Generic Sentences.Topoi, Vol. 40 (pp 131–146)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11245-019-09663-4 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2021) Indicative conditionals.In Gutzmann, D. Matthewson, L. Meier, C. Rullmann, H. Zimmerman, T.E. (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics (The Wiley Blackwell companions to linguistics, Vol. 3). Wiley Blackwell.Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary | https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118788516.sem112 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2021) Natural kinds and dispositions: A causal analysis.Synthese, Vol. 198 (pp S3059–S3084)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-019-02184-y | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2022) Causal relevance of conditionals: semantics or pragmatics?.Linguistic Vanguard, Vol. 8 (pp 363-370)Review article | https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2021-0030 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Sevenster, M. (2006) Different Faces of Risky Speech.In Benz, A. Jäger, G. van Rooij, R. (Eds.), Game Theory and Pragmatics (pp 153-175) (Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition). Palgrave Macmillan.Chapter | https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230285897_5 | UvA-DAREvan Rooij, R., Xie, K. (2020) A causal analysis of modal syllogisms.In Deng, D. Liu, F. Liu, M. Westerståhl, D. (Eds.), Monotonicity in Logic and Language: Second Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language and Meaning, TLLM 2020, Beijing, China, December 17-20, 2020 : proceedings (pp 183-206) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science
FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information, Vol. 12564). Springer.Conference contribution | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-62843-0_10 | UvA-DAREThe data of this list is taken from the Pure database. If you find output is missing from the list, please follow the previous link to find out how to submit to Pure. In case there are mistakes in PURE, please contact illc at uva.nl