The DIP (Discourse and Philosophy) Colloquium
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe Discourse and Philosophy (DIP) Colloquium is organized by the Logic and Language group at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam. The program reflects the current research interests of the group: cognition and reasoning, formal semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, and philosophy of logic and language.
For more information, see https://projects.illc.uva.nl/FSPL/DIP-Colloquium/. -
Computational Linguistics Seminar
Location: Usually LAB42, Science Park 942, AmsterdamTalks by external and occasionally internal speakers on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing -- that is, on using computers or computational models to process and analyse natural language data.
For more information, see https://projects.illc.uva.nl/LaCo/CLS/. -
Computational Social Choice Seminar
Location: Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Computational Social Choice Seminar is a series of occasional talks that address issues at the interface of computer science (including logic, multiagent systems and artificial intelligence) and mathematical economics (including social choice theory, game theory and decision theory).
For more information, see https://staff.science.uva.nl/u.endriss/seminar/ or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at uva.nl. -
Logic and Interactive RAtionality (LIRa)
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe LIRa seminar is a series of talks organized by the Amsterdam Dynamics Group, focusing on the logical, philosophical and computational aspects of agency, rational interaction and social-informational dynamics. The seminar covers research topics lying at the interface of Logic with Game Theory, Decision Theory, Learning Theory, Formal Epistemology, Social Choice Theory, Computer Science, Philosophy of Science or Philosophy of Language. Core areas of interest are Modal Logic approaches to interaction, as well as other approaches, e.g. game semantics, dynamic semantics for natural language, (co)algebraic approaches, or (in)dependence-friendly logics.
Note that the day on which LIRa lectures are held may vary between terms. The current time slot is Thursdays 16:30 – 18:00.
For more information, see https://projects.illc.uva.nl/lgc/seminar/. -
ILLC Colloquium
The ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (respectively the New Year's Colloquium and the Midsummernight Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.
For more information, see https://www.illc.uva.nl/ILLCColloquium/. -
COOL seminar for Logic Students
Location: Room varies, Science Park 904, AmsterdamCool Logic has gone through some changes with a new name COOL.
COOL. is a biweekly student seminar organised by master's students, with talks given by master's students.For more information, see https://coollogic.wixsite.com/website or contact coollogic.uva at gmail.com. -
LLAMA Seminar
Location: Online (Zoom)For more information, see https://events.illc.uva.nl/llama/ or contact Marianna Girlando at m.girlando at uva.nl. -
Music Cognition Reading Group
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe Music Cognition Reading Group is a monthly meeting where we discuss recent papers in the field of music cognition and occasionally have a guest speaker over. The meetings are open to anyone interested in music cognition.
For more information, see https://musicreadinggroup.wordpress.com/. -
FOAM Seminar
Location: ILLC, Science Park, AmsterdamFOAM Seminar - Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms.
The FOAM (Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms) Seminar, organised by computer scientists at the ILLC, features research on questions of a fundamental nature in computer science and AI, in research areas such as algorithms, optimisation, data management, planning, knowledge representation, and multiagent systems.
For more information, see here or at https://events.illc.uva.nl/FOAM/ or contact Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at uva.nl, or Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at uva.nl. -
Cognitive Semantics and Quantities Reading Group
As part of the new project "Cognitive Semantics and Quantities", we will commence a bi-weekly reading group to discuss papers of interest. Topics include, but are not limited to, the semantics of quantifiers, numerical cognition, and the psychology of decision-making.
Our first meeting will be on 23 May 2017 @ 16:00, where we will discuss Katsos et al (2016) "Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers" (http://www.pnas.org/content/113/33/9244).
This will be our only ILLC-wide announcement; for future notices, see the information below.
For more information, see http://www.jakubszymanik.com/CoSaQ/seminar/ or contact Jakub Szymanik at J.K.Szymanik at uva.nl. -
MLC (Meaning, Language and Cognition) seminar
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe Meaning, Logic, and Cognition seminar is a lecture series by ILLC researchers, showcasing research relevant to the ILLC's Formal Semantics and Philosophical Logic Unit: formal semantics and pragmatics, philosophy of logic and language, and logical modeling of language-related human cognition.
For more information, see http://projects.illc.uva.nl/FSPL/MLC-Seminar/. -
Proof Theory Virtual Seminar
Location: VirtualWe are pleased to announce the Proof Theory Virtual Seminar, an online seminar series that presents talks by leading researchers from all areas of proof theory.
For more information, see here or at https://www.proofsociety.org/proof-theory-seminar/. -
The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS)
Location: Drift 25, UtrechtFor more information, see https://tulips.sites.uu.nl/. -
Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group
Location: Online via ZoomΦ-Math is a philosophy of mathematics reading group created by MoL students, open to any enthusiast! We meet once every two Fridays to discuss a text on philosophy of mathematics, be it a classic paper or a new heterodox perspective on the subject. Besides, we also host other philosophy of mathematics related events that require no readingpreparation. The group gives priority to the interests of its members, urging them to choose the content and the structure of its activities.
For more information, see https://events.illc.uva.nl/PhilMathReading or contact Alexander Lind at alexander.lind.math at gmail.com, or Orestis Dimou Belegratis at OrestisDimouB at gmail.com. -
Location: ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFrom the Expression of Disagreement to New Foundations for Expressivist Semantics
For more information, see here or at https://inferentialexpressivism.com/seminar/ or contact Leila Bussiere at bussiere at sequitur.eu. -
Reading Group (historical) Epistemology
In the academic year 2021-2022, the Vossius Center will launch a close reading group with a focus on epistemology. We will read and discuss texts that the members of the group find relevant and interesting. Meetings will, ideally, take place on location, and there will be no presentations, just questions and discussion.
For more information, see https://vossius.uva.nl/content/news/2021/09/reading-group-epistemology.html or contact Aybüke Özgün at a.ozgun at uva.nl. -
Data-Driven History of Ideas Seminar Series (DaDriH)
Location: OnlineThe Concepts in Motion group at ILLC is hosting a series of online seminars on data formats, tools, and best practices for working with data relevant to the history of ideas. In particular, in this series we will have experts discussing the managing of authority records, identifiers for persons, timelines, and works, as well as infrastructures on which to clean and enrich these data.
For more information, see https://conceptsinmotion.org/whats-on/axiom-whats-on/data-driven-history-of-ideas-dadrih-seminar-series/ or contact Thijs Ossenkoppele at t.ossenkoppele at uva.nl. -
PhD-in-DaDriH Seminar Series
Location: OnlineArianna Betti's group (Concepts in Motion) in data-driven history of philosophical and scientific ideas from any period and place is launching a new seminar series called PhD-in-DaDriH. PhD-in-DaDriH focuses on data-driven research by PhD students. It provides a platform for students to showcase their work, connect with peers from different universities all over the world, and collaboratively address data-related challenges. The monthly sessions feature speakers presenting their project, and explaining their approach to data collecting, cleaning, enriching, refining, analysing, visualizing, publishing, linking, and more.
For more information, see https://conceptsinmotion.org/seminars-other-events/phd-in-dadrih-seminar-series/ or contact Thijs Ossenkoppele at t.ossenkoppele at uva.nl.